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Privnote: notes that self-destruct after being read

Privnote brings Mission Impossible's "this note will self-destruct in 3 seconds" to life on the web. Privnote allows a user to create one-time read-only notes that delete themselves after being read. Each note is given a unique URL that, when accessed once, will be forever lost to the sands of the Internet.

Privnote doesn't require a registration to use- which I'm always a fan of. This app's one added bonus is the ability to enter in your email address and have Privnote notify you once the note has been read, to ensure that your information gets into the head of it's recipient.

Does the app fulfill its intended purpose?9
How clean and simplistic is the UI?10
Is the app forward thinking and innovative?8
How re-usable is the app?6

As with most niche apps, like Mobaganda, this app has limited use potential. Yes, confidential information does frequently get exchanged on the internet, via email and IM and other various means, when it probbably shouldn't. Due to the fact that security is a risk here, I dug through Privnote's privacy policy to see how serious they are about a note's security. Privnote claims that things are pretty secure, and that notes are encrypted in the database, ensuring that not even their admins can read them. Also, you might have noticed that landing page itself is encrypted and verified byGoDaddy . It wasn't until I read their privacy policies that I began to feel slightly more comfortable with using this site for confidential information.

My one criticism would be that they should include some sort of data guarantee on their landing page, something to make users feel a little more comfortable. In addition, it would be nice to have this same service, only with the option to upload files and have them only be downloaded once, then destroyed.


Kiira said...

I can feel like James Bond.